Hi Bev (JUNE 12) She is totally in love with Kelvin. and Me, (lol). Introductions with the girls went well. Emma really has taken to her. Mitzi is doing better than I thought she would. LadyBug is eating and drinking and has three pees and a poop. She seems to be more interesting in her sisters food than hers. LadyBug didn't make a peep on the way home. She slept for most of the way. I realize I should have given you more money. I'm going to write you another cheque and send it to you. She's worth much more than what we gave you. Debbie ***************************************************** *****************************************************  Hello Beverley, ( June 14/2016 ) I have had nothing but wonderful, memorable moments with my new puppy, Ebony. She has made her way into our entire family’s hearts. She lives with my husband and I in a condo and is the perfect dog for this type of living. She uses an artificial turf on nasty weather days and through the night and has a perfect disposition. Ebony has a little bit of sass and a lot of love to give to everyone. Anyone who meets her wants to take her home, so I make sure to give them your name and tell them to check your web site. I highly recommend you to anyone who wants and incredible loving companion and pet. Looking forward to loving and sharing Ebonys’ life for many years. Attached is a picture of Ebonys’ first grooming and another of a peaceful day in Kingston, Ontario just watching out the window. All I can say is I hope you continue to stay in this business for a very long time because I never want to be without a dog like Ebony and you are the best. Darlene A ****************************************** ******************************************  Hi Beverly! (may 10 /2016) Rey is doing very well. We had a great trip home. She cuddled and played with Ryan. She's been so good. She's doing her business on the pads in the kitchen. She's so sweet and good natured. Full of love and kisses. She's made herself quite at home here; she has a bed that she loves to play and sleep in. She brings her toys to keep in her bed and kind of throws them out to play with. Betsy THE PUPPIES HAVE BEEN TO THE VET ON WED APRIL 6 and may 2 AND GOT THEIR FIRST and second PUPPY SHOT , DEWORMING AND A VET REPORT HEALTH CERTIFICATE ALL PUPPIES ARE VERY HEALTHY DEE X DREAMER  DEE HAD HER PUPPIES ON FEB 8 - She Has 4 Females Her puppies will have Beautifull Teddy Bear Faces and Teacup Poodle sizes ( all pups were between 3 - 4 ozs weight at birth)  Dee And Dreamer's Puppies Are All ON HOLD For My Waiting List customer's --------------------------------------------------------------            - FEMALE BLACK - EBONY ADOPTED BY DARLENE. A I have gone to my new home --------------------------------------------------------------                FEMALE APRICOT - LADYBUG - ADOPTED BY DEBBIE AND KELVIN ----------------------------------------------------------------             CREAM FEMALE - TANGO -- (TRIXIE) - RESERVED BY THERESA . D -----------------------------------------------------------------             BLACK FEMALE - Jazie - REY - ADOPTED BY BETSEY ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- PREVIOUS LITTER BELOW DEE AND DREAMER ANNOUNCES THE BIRTH OF THEIR PUPPIES BORN JULY 23/2015 All Puppies were around 4 - 4.5 ozs at birth - One Black female ( ANGELINA) - ADOPTED - Jamie.M - Apricot Female ( STAR LIGHT) - ADOPTED - Sherry .T - Apricot /Cream male (Prince of Champagne) - ADOPTED - INDU - Black Male - (Prince Mercedes) - HE WILL BE STAYING HERE (Watch For His Puppies ) - Black Female - ( Delilah) - ADOPTED - SANDRA PICTURES BELOW 2 week old picture above ANGELINA - FEMALE - ADOPTED BY JAMIE AND LIZ GONE TO MY NEW HOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEACUP / TINY TOY (Starlight) 2 week old picture above STARLIGHT - FEMALE ADOPTED BY - SHERRY.T ( previous customer) GONE TO MY NEW HOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Teacup/tiny toy (Delilah) DELILAH - ELLA - FEMALE - ADOPTED BY - SANDRA (previous customer) GONE TO MY NEW HOME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEACUP ( Prince of Mercedes) PRINCE MERCEDES - MALE HE WILL BE STAYING HERE - WATCH FOR HIS PUPPIES COMING SOON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teacup ( Prince of Champagne) PRINCE OF CHAMPAGNE - MALE ADOPTED BY -INDU I AM GONE TO MY NEW WONDERFULL HOME ****************************************************************************